Thursday, April 01, 2010

A Spring Day in Texas!

Ron brought the twins to Rice this incredible spring day to visit. The bluebonnets are in full bloom in the Harris Gully Natural area and it was the perfect opportunity to take a few pictures. The girls had a terrific time and we enjoyed spending a little time with them, alone. These are the few days when one cherishes living in Texas. The days when the are is cool, the breeze is delightful and color abounds!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Today is Parker's 12th birthday. Hard to believe this boy, my first-born is almost a teenager. It seems like yesterday the picture shown here was taken. This is the first time I held this precious child. I was overwhelmed with emotion. The thought that this little life was completely my responsibility was very scary. I wanted all of the nurses to come home with me! I was fortunate to have a wonderful grandmother that so generously shared every bit of wisdom on raising children with me. I called her often!
He (Parker) is developing into a fine young man. He is interested in so many things. He loves his family - I think - and is an eager and fast learner. Ron and I are looking forward to the man he will be. We now view the responsibility of parenting as a privilege as well. We have the opportunity to shape future leaders, doctors, singers, actors, engineers, etc... Throughout this process we've had the privilege of many kisses, hugs, tears to wipe and the words we never tire of hearing "I love you Momma and Daddy". We especially love the days when we are privileged to witness them reach life's milestones.
We love you Parker! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Ron and I are so proud of Noel. She let us know this afternoon that she won third
place in the 5th grade science fair at her school. This means that she will advance to the district fair. Wow! We are so proud of her. She went to the district fair last year as well. We are thrilled that she's done so well!
She is a talented girl; creative in so many ways. We had to fill out her class list for 6th tonight. Can't believe she's already there. Incredible that she's overcome so many hurdles in her life and has become the amazing young lady we love and appreciate so much.

Friday, January 29, 2010


The girls have been potty-trained for quite some time now, however, we seemed to really be having trouble when it came to putting number two in its proper place. For the past several weeks, both girls have been super-duper poopers. We are very proud of them.

Tonight was a night to celebrate the terrific accomplishments of the evening. This celebration was inspired by two girls who successfully performed their doodie duty. We gave them a gum for the first time and they loved it! On a side note, I should mention how much our checkbook is loving not spending a small fortune pull-ups and diapers. it's terrific!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'd love to take just a minute to brag on our oldest child, Parker. He is our only son and engineer in the making. He has always been interested in how things work and understanding what makes things and people tick. This year has been a time of transition as he has entered middle school. Ron and I would both agree that this transition has included the two of us adjusting to adolescence and what that means to an almost 12 year-old boy! There are no longer teachers that make sure his homework is turned in when it's due. No. That is entirely up to him - the child that has trouble making sure his shirt isn't on inside-out....
Parker is enrolled in all but two pre-AP classes. He has struggled. Not with the work, but making sure to turn in assignments (already completed) and not constantly contributing VERBALLY. So, Science Fair. Was it already time for that again? Parker assured us he had it all "under control". Hmm...What did that mean? Parker does have a terrific record for in the science fairs of past. He has won Honorable Mention in the District Fair in fourth grade, and won 3rd Place in his elementary fair last year. We've always been so proud. This year we were not sure what would happen. We should not have entertained any doubt. He happily informed us this weekend that he won second place in the 6th Grade Science Fair and that his project would advance to the District Fair. Hurray!
Parker came up with a terrific project - completely un-aided by us, his highly-intelligent parents. He tested several different types of materials to see what would make the best parachute. We'll post more on his project on a future post. However, I will say that Ron and I were particularly please that Parker did this project on his own. We did not participate that much other than helping with a stop watch.

Maybe this post is more for our benefit. All the worrying, praying, crying, praying, yelling, worrying, crying, not in vain. Kids are listening. They get it. Or, maybe it's just this one moment. And Parker gets it. Even if it's just this moment, we're going to enjoy it. It's too precious not to. Love that boy! More to come....

Friday, January 22, 2010


In case you've not yet heard the song made popular on American Idol, Catherine and Elizabeth have made the song their own and sing it proudly just for you! Hope you enjoy. Moments like this make being the parents of twins a lot of fun.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

We're still here - really!

It's been quite some time since we've posted new news. And, believe me, there has been a lot happening here!!

Parker is now in middle school. He's doing well and is slowly adjusting to being the low man on the totem pole. He's playing percussion (not my first choice) but he seems to like it. He's almost taller than we are now and that's scary. He voice is slowly getting deeper. Where did my baby go? He's really interested in Social Studies at school. He seems to really enjoy learning about history. He did not want to sing in the boy's choir this year at church, but really likes playing with the hand bell choir. He's also half-way through the confirmation process. It's been hard for Ron and I to adjust to his slow turn towards independence and to watch him make mistakes, but it's part of the process of being a parent. There are lots of prayers and crossed fingers when he goes out the door! We can hardly believe he'll be 12 next month.

Noel is in fifth grade and is doing quite well. She loves school this year. We've really seen her blossom this year and begin to take studying seriously. She is a terrific writer and has quite an imagination. She is still taking piano lessons and is a very active Girl Scout. She is also in the handbell and girl's choir and church. She's become a little social butterfly this year; on the phone, on the computer or having friends over. She's getting taller by the second. She is playing basketball in the Upward league (so is Parker) at our church and is a natural athlete. She is our biggest helper with the twins and is a natural babysitter. She creates games and lessons for the girls that she plays with them when she finishes her homework. She is really a great girl. She just turned 11 this past Christmas Eve and we're very proud of the young lady she is. I don't think we're ready for her to begin middle school this year!

Elizabeth and Catherine are 3 1/2 now! We can't believe how they are growing up right in front of us. They go to school two days a week at our church and are learning so much there. The art projects they bring home grace our refrigerator and back door. They are both so talented and smart. They love to sing, work puzzles, play in the backyard, read books and spend time with their family. They remind us that they are for sure two VERY different people. Catherine loves to tinker and push buttons until she figures something out - and believe me - she pushes a lot of buttons! Elizabeth is a ham - she will sing and dance for anyone. Together they are so much fun and make our lives complete. It's wonderful to see them grow, but what's been an even greater gift than that is watching them love one another. They are very close and do love to spend time together.

We are getting ready to add on to our cute house. We are in desperate need for more space. Right now we're looking at adding two new bedrooms, a bathroom and a laundry room. This process is scary, but we for sure need the extra room! Hopefully we'll post the step by step progress once we begin.

We promise to not be gone for so long...stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Catherine sings a sweet song for all to enjoy!